My 2018 goals | In Reflection

The 2018 List:

2018, my wish for you is... 
'to embrace & welcome change'



-Learn more production skills for music
-Masters: International Media Law
-Limit complaints
-Write weekly / monthly goals
-Meditation Sunday evenings


-Go sugar free 2 days per week (no refined sugar)
-Do targeted daily exercises 5 days per week
-Do a stretch or yoga class once per week


-Be a positive influence on anyone I come into contact with
-Expand my personal brand
-Upload regularly to youtube
-Release new music


-Eliminate all clutter and organise each space. 
-Plan more weekends away
-Date more √√√


-Sign a new publishing deal
-Record 1 new song every week for a year
-Grow my business by 30% in the 18/19 financial year
-Re-organise my office
-Buy new production gear


-Up my automatic savings monthly
-Save an additional $40,000 min
-Invest your money

On Reflection:


2018 has been a year of immense change. Lots of positive changes and some negative ones. I really pushed myself to say ‘yes’ to as many things as I could this year and it welcomed wonderful new people and experiences as a result. I’m incredibly grateful for everything i’ve received this year, especially the new people in my life.


I started the year with a great focus on music production and songwriting and then strayed from it as the year moved on. I’ll most definitely need to do more next year. I started my masters but put it on hold as it all became a bit too much - perhaps a running theme of this year is that saying yes to almost everything means that you can have a little too much on your plate at times. I remained very goal orientated and tried to calm my mind as much as I could with mediation and yoga.


A slight health scare made me appreciate my body and health more than I ever have this year. It made me revaluate what I put into my body, how i use it and also how critical I have been. A healthy body is a beautiful body - at least that’s my new mindset instead of always trying to achieve this ridiculous notion of the perfect body. I started moving my body a lot more this year and made sure that stretching / yoga was a priority. I cut down a lot of preservative based food and started taking some vitamins occasionally as I’m a vegetarian by in large and want to make sure I’m getting all the nutrients that my body needs - especially seeing as my hormones had a mind of their own this year and caused a scare. I’m so grateful for a healthy body and I won’t ever take that for granted again.


Perhaps my greatest failed goal area this year. I didn’t work at all on my personal brand, I didn’t release my new music, nor did I even produce new covers for my youtube. My business took the front seat this year, along with health and balancing new relationships / lifestyle choices. Next year I intend on sharing new music.


I definitely remained organised throughout the year, eliminating clutter. I spent a lot of weekends away with friends and I definitely ticked the ‘date more’ goal with a wonderful new boyfriend- still a strange word to say for this prior commitment phobe. He is far and away the thing I am most grateful for this year though. Not sure how he came into my life but he did and I’ve never been happier.


I decided not to sign a new pub deal and definitely didn’t record one song every week for the year. (Note to self, that was way too ambitious). I wrote and worked on a couple of great projects but I didn’t do as much as I’d like. It’s hard juggling a business and making music. I did get new production gear and grow my business in 2018 though. A couple of wins in the music biz towards the back end of the year. I feel like I focused on my wellbeing outside of work this year and I shifted from being primarily career driven. I’ve learnt that that’s a good thing and that the most important thing is to enjoy the ones you love - work can fit in around that.


Not seen on this list was to buy a property, which in April I set out to do and almost did, but changed my mind. I did however meet my partner in the process of doing so, so that was a huge win! I saved a lot of money and easily hit my $40,000 additional savings goal. The property market went a little bananas in my hometown so it felt like a silly time to buy when there is a predicted slump in mid 2019. Next year will be the year to invest though, whether that’s in property or shares I’m yet to decide.

LIFESTYLElizzy hodgins