My 2017 goals
When I turned sixteen, I decided that I would write a list of goals for the year ahead. 365 days later on New Year's Eve, I read back through the list and made another. Though my lists have evolved and changed over the years, the intent behind them remains the same - to grow and be a better version of myself, not just for myself but for those around me.
2017, my wish for you is...
'to improve my mind, body & influence'
-Learn more French x
-Learn Spanish x
-Take piano lessons (I only play by ear atm) √
-Limit complaints x
-Cultivate good habits √
-Take note of what really makes me happy √
-Stay away from modern communication on Sunday mornings x
-Read more √
-Go sugar free 3 days per week (no refined sugar) x
-Feed my body good nutrients and listen closer to what it needs, when it needs it √
-Stretch more √
-Get back into yoga x
-Work harder than I ever have before √
-Spend more time with my grandmother √
-Put more energy into my online channels & grow my brand √
-Upload regularly to youtube x
-Release a project i've been working on (-)
-Launch new branding & website √
-Launch a new blog √
-Let someone in x
-Be more minimalistic √
-Spend my birthday in New York with those I love most √
-Save an extra $20,000 √
-clean out my wardrobe completely √
-Launch my online & digital products √
-Workshops x
-Grow my business by 25% √
-Work with a brand I've long admired x
-Write a song for a Nancy Meyers' film x